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Dandy, the Highest Diving Dog in the World

Dandy, the Highest Diving Dog in the World

Regular price $50.00
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Title: Dandy, the Highest Diving Dog in the World

Author: [Holmes, Harry L.?]

Publication: [United States]: [Publisher not identified], [circa 1900].

Description: An advertising card depicting a high-diving dog named Dandy, a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and Cocker Spaniel mix owned by Harry L. Holmes. Dandy was known for his performances throughout the United States between 1898 and 1903. Undated, circa 1900. Text and photo of Dandy in black, on white card stock. 7 x 4.25 inches. Damp staining at the edges and several creases. About Good. Numerous newspaper accounts of the time mention Dandy's remarkable performances. As reported in The Medford Mail on June 30, 1899, "He is a very nervy little fellow, ascending the 50-foot ladder without any assistance and patiently awaits the word to make the downward leap into a net." His highest dive was reported to be 73 feet. Dandy's owner claimed that Dandy was the highest-diving dog in the world, as well as the only dog who could make balloon ascensions and cut his own parachute loose. Performances were reported in Montana, California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana. North Carolina, and Massachusetts. He regularly performed as part of a free show offered by the "Quaker Healers" to advertise their purported remedies and healing abilities.

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